Thank you for choosing The Cozy Home Organizing to help you create peace and order in your home. Before we begin, it is important to review the following terms and expectations. As a Professional Organizing company, we value you and your growth during this process.
The personal information of and in possession of the Client will be treated confidentially and with respect at all times. During the course of our service we may come across private or personal information. It is our policy that no information is ever shared with anyone else.
Payment Terms
Payment is due the day the invoice is issued, usually 1-2 days after the completion of the project. In the case of multiple sessions, payment is due weekly for the work performed that week. Payment can be made via cash, check, Venmo, or credit card. A 2.9% fee is added for credit card payments.
A $500 deposit is due at time of booking. This will be used towards your total payment. If services are canceled, this will be returned to you within 3 business days.
The rate is $65/hour for the lead organizer, and $55/hour for each additional organizer.
There is no charge for the time spent planning, shopping, or making returns.
Product is reimbursed at cost, no additional charges are added. If you do not like the product that has been used, please let us know before we end the day. Once we have left the Client's home, the product is owned by the Client and will be invoiced as such.
Project Outcomes
The success of the organizing project depends on the willingness of the Client to participate in the process: sorting, editing, and donating when necessary. The Client and Organizers will work together to make decisions. Long-term maintenance of the organization depends on the Client's commitment to maintaining the order and quantity of items in the space. If you are not fully satisfied, please let us know right away so we can make it right. Unfortunately once we have left your home, we are not able to take product back. And please remember- perfect homes you see on social media may not be possible to replicate due to space, items kept, budget, and needs.
While we cannot haul donations or trash away for you, we are happy to help you load up a vehicle, or place the donations/trash wherever is best for you.
Cancellation Policy
We understand that life happens! Please let us know as soon as possible if you need to change your service date, and we will do the same. Service may be delayed on our end due to illness or the availability of needed product.
Disruption of Service
The Cozy Home Organizing reserves the right to terminate this agreement for the following reasons: Repeated Cancellations, Non-Payment, Unsafe or Unsanitary working conditions.
The Cozy Home Organizing or their contractors are not liable for any loss due to damage to property, self, or disposition of items. The Client retains full responsibility unless gross negligence or intentional damage has been proven.
Time of Projects
All The Cozy Home Organizing organizers and contractors do their best to complete the work in a timely manner, however, all parties agree that time may go longer or shorter than planned. We will adjust our speed of work for the best interest of the Client.
Photo Release
The Client releases all rights to before and after photos, to be used by The Cozy Home Organizing for marketing purposes, including but not limited to website, social media, educational presentations, etc. Client identity and confidentiality will always be top priority in regards to photo usage. If you do not wish your photos to be shared, please let us know.
I have read, understand and fully agree to the above terms and understand and agree that the services are being performed in accordance with the above terms. By scheduling organizing services and paying my deposit, I am agreeing to these terms.
Please enter your name and email below, as well as an indication that you agree to these terms, and hit submit.
We look forward to working with you!